
Timesheet Management

No more manual timesheets and tedious data entry. Using the App, Subcontractors can clock in and out with ease, ensuring accurate records every time. No more chasing down paper timesheets from staff.

Roster Management

Keep track of your subcontractor team's schedules effortlessly. Our software enables you to create and manage schedules with just a few clicks. Assign shifts, view availability, and optimise workforce allocation with ease.

Expense Claims

Keep track of your subcontractor team's schedules effortlessly. Our software enables you to create and manage schedules with just a few clicks. Assign shifts, view availability, and optimise workforce allocation with ease.

Leave Request Management

Handle leave requests seamlessly. Subcontractors can request time off, and you can approve or deny requests instantly, maintaining your project's staffing needs.

Group Chat

Keep everyone in the loop and foster collaboration effortlessly. With our in-app group chat feature, you can create dedicated chat channels for different teams, projects, or departments.

Staff Onboarding

Day Traka simplifies the process to bring new subcontractors on board. You can efficiently onboard new team members, ensuring they have all the information, certifications, and resources they need from day one.